Total time: 2hrs40mins Yield: 10 wraps Level: Easy
prep: 15mins
inactive: 2hrs
cook: 25mins
I wanted to use chicken but I picked the wrong can when I went shopping. I got to know when I got home.
I was thinking of making it another day but when I checked the cupboard I saw corned beef so I used it instead and it turned out to be good. Some people use ketchup and yogurt for the mix but I added plain yogurt to it. You have to be careful when folding the bread. If you know how to fold the leaves for bean pudding (moin-moin) then it would be easy.
Some of the ingredients. |
Place the corned beef in a bowl/plate. Add veg.oil and season to taste. |
Cover with foil paper and marinate for 2 hours. |
Cut and wash the vegetables. Heat up the vegetable oil and fry the sliced tomatoes and onions. Add the marinated corned beef and stir fry for about 6 minutes. |
In a plate, mix the plain yogurt, mayonnaise and ketchup. |
Oven: Bake the flat bread on 350F for 4 minutes. Fold the bread. Add the mix, corned beef and vegetables. |
Pan: fry the flat bread for about a minute. Spread the mix on the bread. Put the corned beef and vegetables at the end and fold. |
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And hasten to forgiveness from your Lord and a garden as wide as the heavens and earth, prepared for the righteous. {Al-Imran 3:133}
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